Yarn Resource Manager administration
Scheduler Classes
Once the cluster installed, if YARN is enabled, you can use different YARN scheduler to manage YARN compute ressources, by changing the class configured
using the yarn-site yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.class
By default in the ODP Stack, the YARN org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity.CapacityScheduler
is used.
Administer YARN Queues and resources
Apache ambari is built and shipped with the Capacity Scheduler view which enables administrators to manages queues.
You can administer YARN resources i.e. queues, resource repartition, scheduler class using the built-in Ambari YARN scheduler View.
It is built by default with all version of Ambari provided by CLEMLAB and is compatible with all versions of ODP.
To install it, connect to Ambari Console ui for example http://ambari.clemlab.com.
Then click on Admin > Manage Ambari >